Focus ST Example ROM

Focus ST Example ROM



As part of development of the Ford EcoBoost Product we have done extensive testing on our Focus ST and Focus RS. The testing has revealed the best methods to achieve reasonable gains with out large risks. The end result of our testing was the creation of a series of Example ROMs that would give a tuner the basic modifications to the ROM that increase horsepower and remove the limits. This Focus ST (FM5A-14C204-TD-Stage 1 Example ROM enc.bin) ROM ROM file should be used as a guide to tune from and any off the self tunes could would be advancements on this.

Upshift Point & Downshift Point

This map has been adjusted at higher requested torque values to make the gearshift display a downshift or upshift on the gauge at a higher accel pedal. On the upshift map the axis has been adjusted for 400Nm to suit the increased demand and the upshift output set to 5800RPM

Maps By Function → Gear Shift Indication

  • Upshift Point

  • Downshift Point

Ignition timing

This groups of maps were adjusted individually depending on the which map was being used when tuning. The distance along the track determined by the HDFX maps picks which of the mapped pairs that are used to determine the ignition timing. It is also worth having the table for "Ignition Timing Source" use the logging parameter to confirms where the current timing value is coming from.

Parameter Display


Parameter Display



Ignition timing from the cranking tables


Base map values being used


The borderline spark tables are being used

Torque Control

Torque control strategies like idle, take off assistance and torque arbitration.


Low speed or high speed pre ignition mitigation maps (LSPI and HSPI)

Cylinder Pressure

Any of the cylinder pressure limit maps

Stable Low Load

The combustion stability limit ignition timing maps (see limiters)

Cold Low Load

Cold start emissions reduction (CSER) based ignition adjustments

Idle FBS at Min Clip

Idle feedback based spark limits

Idle FBS

Idle Feedback based spark control


Engine running test mode for emissions reduction timing


Output state control override of final spark advance

Foregrnd B/L Clip

Rapidly updated borderline value further limited by throttle tip-in events

C/T Decel

Fuel cut and decel timing

The adjustments to this map have been made only in the high load and RPM regions and there are only minor changes in the mapped pairs that are used when in economy etc. Most of the time on the dyno it will be in optimum power mode and this map has been increased by up to 6 degrees in some regions.

Maps By Function → Ignition Timing → Borderline

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 0

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 1

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 10

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 11

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 12

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 13

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 14

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 2

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 3

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 4

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 5

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 6

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 7

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 8

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Mapped Pair 9

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Optimum Power

There are also some limits for cylinder pressure that will need to be adjust to allow us to achieve the desired timing in the mapped points maps, these are the cylinder pressure maps

Maps By Function → Ignition Timing → Cylinder Pressure Limiting

  • Ignition Timing Max for CPL

General Ignition Tuning

Base maps are all the Borderline "Ign Timing Knock Limit" maps employed for each cam position combination.

When trying to get more power out of the RS, these maps are the ones to concentrate on first.

  • Ign Timing Knock Limit - Optimum Power 

    • A good place to start as this map does get used at WOP (Wide Open Pedal)

  • Borderline ACT Mod Multiplier - Stock map seems quite sensitive with charge temperature, and if tuning on a dyno this can be temporarily changed while tuning, however, be sure to check for knock retard. This map multiplies the output from Modifier for ACT to give the final adjustment.

  • Modifier for Octane

    • This map is profiled to offset the knock limit map at different loads and engine speeds, the load axis should be extended to match your desired load and you can reduce or increase depending on how the engine responds.

  • Borderline Cyl X Offset Multiplier -These can be used to build in retard you consistently find being applied.

  • Ignition Timing Max For CPL

    • This map often holds your timing back it's triggered by the load thresholds in 

    CPL Timer Activate Load Threshold and has a timer before it comes into operation (default 1 second) CPL should be shown in the ignition timing source parameter.

Knock Control

  • Knock Learning Maximum Load – This can be raised during tuning to try and speed up positive learning on boost, though results may vary.

  • Knock Learning Maximum RPM - These can be raised to match RPM limit, again your results may vary.

  • Octane Modifier - Initial -This sets the octane modifier, but it's unclear if negative "modifier" values actually relate to more advanced or retarded timing, should be tested on your specific vehicle and may be used for cars that are normally run on super unleaded to put the ignition in a more advanced state after programming. It is suspected that negative modifier values ARE more advanced. The default -0.75 would be combined with -0.25 from Knock Learning to Octane Level at 4 degrees positive correction.

  • Knock Control Advance Limit - This can be raised at high RPM in order to allow more positive knock correction and we have seen good results from the change. 

Cam timing

When running in optimum power mode as it prefers to on the dyno, it uses an individual set of cam timing maps to set the desired cam angle. Gains were found by holding a little more overlap mid range and decreasing it back to zero more quickly at higher RPM

Maps By Function → HDFX → Optimum Power Mode

  • OPM Intake Cam Timing


The lambda target at WOT has been changed to run a few percent leaner in the high engine coolant temperature and lower load regions of this map (for WOT only). There are other maps that control the fuel targets for part throttle but for a stage 1 car no change is required.

Maps By Function → Fueling → Target

  • Lambda Target at WOT vs ECT

There are many other changes possible, if you find that you see the airflow limit come up with INJDC you could look at the injection angles and opening limits like the RS.

Torque and airflow

The HDFX value (driver demand) is also converted into the desired and actual torque figures as well as to load estimates to be used in further load calculations and limits.

Driver requested Torque

These maps are re-profiled to and increased at 100% accel pedal by about 10%, the reduction of torque requested past 6800Rpm has be removed as well.

Maps By Function → Torque → Request

  • Driver Requested Torque - 2nd Gear

  • Driver Requested Torque - 3rd Gear

  • Driver Requested Torque - 4th Gear

  • Driver Requested Torque - 5th Gear

  • Driver Requested Torque - 6th Gear

  • Driver Requested Torque – Launch

The first gear and reverse maps were not changed as it was deemed that the lower torque was necessary in the lower gear to prevent wheel slip and keep the drive-ability at low speed as close to stock as possible.

There are "Torque to load" maps which can be used to translate a desired torque to a target load (and ultimately airflow, throttle and boost), there are also "Load to Torque" maps which can do the opposite with actual torque values. These sets of maps are available for each "mapped pair" and need to agree closely so that the Torque → Load → Torque is consistent.

Torque to Load

These maps have the desired torque axis lowered for the same desired load to request more engine load for the same torque, the are also profiled to request more load as well depending on the mapped pair being changed you may want to increase these further to request a higher boost target.

Maps By Function → Torque → Torque to Load

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 0

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 1

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 10

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 11

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 12

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 13

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 14

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 2

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 3

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 4

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 5

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 6

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 7

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 8

  • Load Estimate - Mapped Pair 9

  • Load Estimate - Optimum Power

Load to torque

Maps By Function → Torque

  • Torque - Max Gross at Engine

The "Torque - Max Gross at Engine" map has been re-profiled across the board to increase the calculated values when reversing the load estimate back into a torque estimate.

Torque Actual Maps

The torque actual maps are used to turn the engine load back into a torque value to be used in the boost target calculation.

Maps By Function → Torque → Load to Torque

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 0

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 1

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 10

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 11

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 12

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 13

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 14

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 2

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 3

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 4

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 5

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 6

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 7

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 8

  • Torque Actual - Mapped Pair 9

  • Torque Actual - Optimum Power

Once a target load is established, the speed density model can be used in a forward manner (ie you don't need to find the roots of quadratic) to give a Manifold Absolute Pressure that corresponds to the load, and then to a desired air mas (DESAM in ford terminology). Using this whole method we can eventually go from a pedal input to a boost target!

Accel → Desired Torque → Equivalent Load → Desired Mass Airflow → Desired Manifold Absolute Pressure

Limits - Load 

Load limits are set depending on mapped pair maps, there are many different types of load limits and the load limit that is being applied at the current operating condition will be shown by the digital parameter “Airflow Limit Source”. The values shown in the digital parameter have an associated number, colour and short name. these are listed below

Airflow limit source logging parameter values

Paramater Display


Paramater Display



No Airflow limit


Injector duty or open time based airflow limit


Waste Gate Control based airflow limit


Exhaust Temperature based airflow limit


Measured airflow limit


Low Speed ignition limit


HDFX based airflow limits


Fuel system pressure based airflow limit

When the value is 6 "PART PEDAL" the load limit maps are the mapped pairs below found in the HDFX Load tree, these maps have been raised and profiled to allow the boost to torque to rest on this load limit map

Maps By Function → Limiters → HDFX Load

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 0

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 1

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 10

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 11

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 12

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 13

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 14

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 2

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 3

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 4

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 5

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 6

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 7

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 8

  • Load limit - Mapped Pair 9

  • Load limit - Optimum Power

If the Airflow limit source value is 5 "POPCORN/LSPI" then the following maps are being used, these limits have been raised by about 0.5 and set to be the same in each map, low speed pre-ignition can occur in these cars so we would recommend raising them but not setting them to far above the actual load.

Maps By Function → Limiters → Low Speed Pre Ignition

  • LSPI Load Limit - High

  • LSPI Load Limit - Low

  • LSPI Load Limit - Normal

Limits - Torque 

There are many different Torque limits that can be applied, the torque limit that is currently being used is shown by the logging parameter "Torque Control", the values shown in the digital parameter have an associated colour and short name. these have similar names to the "airflow limit" maps, some additional information can be found in the glossary of terms section.

The maps changed are....

Maps By Function → Limiters → Torque

  • Max Eng Torque

  • Max Eng Torque (Eng Type 2)

  • Max Eng Torque (Eng Type 3)

  • Max Eng Torque in Overboost

  • Max Eng Torque in Overboost (Eng Type 2)

  • Max Eng Torque in Overboost (Eng Type 3)

  • Torque Smoothing Max Difference #1

  • Torque Smoothing Max Difference #2

  • Torque Overall Maximum

  • Maximum Road Gradient Force

  • Torque Instantaneous Max

  • Torque Limit (Engine) - Full Load

  • Torque Maximum vs Mode

Boost Control

Boost control is quite complex but intuitive in the EcoBoost platform, as the example ROM is based on a stock car there were not many changes to the boost control strategy required.  This list of maps changed in the example ROM are

Maps By Function → Boost Control → Safety Limitations

  • Max PR to Avoid Overspeed

This map has been increased by 0.25, the pressure ratio output can be logged

Maps By Function → Boost Control → Safety Limitations

  • Throttle Input Pressure Maximum

The OEM method for boost control is quite complex and to help in breaking down limits and targets many new logging parameters have been added. The logging parameters below will help you to spot any issues that come from using the example ROM.

Parameter Name


Parameter Name


Boost Actual

Boost sensor output in kPa, should be in same units as the rest really!

Boost Control PID Base

WG duty base component before PID correction (this may be for another unused strategy)

Boost Control PID Derivative

D component of PID correction, usually only significant in spool

Boost Control PID Derivative Error

Lookup used for the derivative map

Boost Control PID Integral

This is very useful as it can highlight if integral is hitting limits which can be raised.

Boost Control PID Integral Error

Lookup used for the integral map

Boost Control PID Prop

Proportional error correction, difficult to link to a single map will update with more info on that later.

Boost Error

Error in inHg which can be useful with current kPa/inHg mismatch

Boost Target

Self explanatory, the desired TIP or Throttle Input Pressure

Dig:Airflow Limit Source

This can sometimes be triggered by boost control strategy, which can be seen in your logs, typically turbo outlet temp, (estimated) turbo speed limits, mass flow limits etc.

Manifold Absolute Pressure

Pressure in manifold, typicallly lower than boost

Manifold Air Temperature

The RS has a combined MAP/MAT sensor that gives manifold temp

MAP Desired

The desired manifold pressure as converted from load/torque used to give desired TIp (Boost Target).

Mass Air Flow

Give in lb/min and use for a number of maps used in boost control

Turbine Flow Fraction Desired

The relative proportion of exhaust flow requested to go through the turbine instead of via the waste-gate, can go higher than 1.0 meaning the ECU demands all the gas to go through the turbine, so will tend to fully shut WG, and it wants still more gas through the turbine to generate enough shaft power to drive the compressor to make the required airflow/boost

Turbine Flow Fraction Estimated

Proportion of flow estimated to be going through the turbine, shouldn't go above 1.0 and most of the time outisde spoolup the estimated/desired values are almost identical.

Turbocharger Bypass Valve

Output to the solenoid that controls the dump valve, which is drive by vacuum supplied by cam driven vacuum pump (also used for brake servo vac)

Turbocharger Wastegate Duty

Exactly as described.

WG Canister Pressure

The estimated pressure in the wg actuator used to open it, the higher this is, the more the WG will open and the lower the boost will be.

WG Canister Pressure Des

The desired pressure in the wg actuator. Desired and estimated values appear to be the same almost all the time.

WG Duty From Turbo Power

This is the WG duty as determined by the turbo (shaft) power control strategy, unsure if this is pre or post PID corrections.

Anti Jerk control

The Factory Anti Jerk control can sometimes hamper initial performance, some fine tuning of the anti jerk control was adjusted as required to improve this.

Maps By Function → Systems → Anti Jerk Control

  • Torque Reserve in Fast Tipin

  • Torque Reserve in Slow Tipin


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