ProECU PhoneFlash and EcuTek Cloud Instructions For Tuners

ProECU PhoneFlash and EcuTek Cloud Instructions For Tuners


EcuTek’s ECU Connect APP now has the ability to flash ECU via the EVI BT bluetooth unit. This can make it quicker and easier to deliver remote tuning services world wide. EcuTek’s Phone flash system used ProECU, The EcuTek Cloud servers and ECU Connect in order to deliver customer and vehicle information from the end-user and allow you to easily supply tuned and stock files directly to the customer without the need to use external software or systems.

The systems and processes are similar to the existing steps for remote tuning but minimises the number of steps for the end user, reducing confusion and speeding up the time it takes for you to get relevant information delivered. The licencing system (1 licence per ECU) is still used and VIN numbers are employed to allow you to specify files for each customers individual cars.


Purchasing the phone Flash subscription.

Phone flash infrastructure requires a subscription in order to access the services. You will need to ensure you have read, agreed, signed and returned

  • The standard contractual clauses for data protection.

  • The tuner agreement.

  • Have your master tuner status active and shown on the dealer locator.

Email Sales@ecutek.com to register your interest in the phone flash system and to be sent the required information for setup and purchase of the ECU, currently all purchases will need to be made using manual invoices and can only be completed after the required documentation is finalised.


Creating an EcuTek tuner account

To create an EcuTek account

  1. Got to Help-> EcuTek Cloud

  2. Click Login

  3. Then create new account

  4. Enter your details, set a password and read and agree to the terms and conditions

  5. Click ”Create”, after this you are logged into your account


Login and checking subscription status

To log in and check you account subscriptions simple go to the Help -> EcuTek cloud tree and select the appropriate option. You can also reset your password if required.

Resetting your password

To Reset your cloud password if you have forgotten it, when you are logged out (if you aren’t logged out you will need to log out to reset it) you go to the login screen and enter the desired email address (if you don’t know this contact support at EcuTek or check your old email for emails from the EcuTek cloud)

Once you press the reset password button the following reset password page will show

This will send a reset code to your email.

You can then enter into the reset code box and set your new password, the password must adhere to the basic password strength rules.

Uploading to EcuTek Cloud

Uploading to the EcuTek cloud requires that you have received the customers details through the system. You will likely have already been in contact with your customer using email or other systems when they made the purchase of the EVI-BT. Once they have gone through the After install setup procedures in ECU Connect and done the first programming steps you will receive an email with details of their VIN name and contact information.

The email will have the required details to create a ROM, these will also be added to your EcuTek Account Customer list.


You should be able to then create the desired ROM as you would normally adding the RR patch .diff files or editing the maps as required for this customers particular setup. If you have not yet been contacted by the customer or need more details about the car to create a ROM file you can do this using your normal channels of communication. Once the Rom is ready for upload go to

  1. File -> Upload to EcuTek cloud (or use CTRL + U)

  2. Select the customer and the customers car

  3. Enter the ROM description programmed into the ECU and the notes for the ROM

  4. If you wish you can enter text manually here or it will use the text in the ROM description field in the ROM editor

  5. Then click Upload Button

You can remove the files from the directory if they are no longer required or deemed unsafe, keep in mind though that once sent these files are the property of the end user and they can request them back from EcuTek if they wish.

Flash File Management in the Portal

Once flash files have been uploaded you can manage the files that the customers see in the list of the Flash Files folder in ECU Connect. There are several tasks that you can perform from the ProECU portal window. These include

  • Delete old files (eg previous revisions), keep in mind old files are still the end users property so they can request access to them if they wish.

  • Add Names, your reference comments or add customer facing comments

To delete a file simply select the correct ROM and press Delete then accept the deletion

To add comments that can only be seen by you simply add them to the boxes as required, these fields are mandatory so that you know what file you uploaded and where. If you want to manually add comments to the files that the customer can read use the following boxes,

Charging and Flash Points Usage

The phone flash system requires a subscription to operate, to purchase the subscription go to the subscriptions page of www.ecutek.com. To activate the subscription you must have a privacy policy and have active master tuner status.

The Phone flash system still operates on a per vehicle charging system where each unique vehicle is licenced. These chargers are only made once during the first upload. Flash points are used as the charging mechanism and are taken directly from your EcuTek account (no need to allocate to a dongle).

The per vehicle cost is split into two sections and charged as follows

To Check how many flashpoints are required to perform an upload simply select the customer and VIN you wish to upload to and check the costing details in the bottom left of the upload window.


Receiving log files through the cloud

Customers can send you log files of the cars available logging parameters through the EcuTek cloud, this is currently done using email, the end user will press the send log file to tuner button and you will receive an email with the following details and a download link, the download link is a zip file with the logs included.

Once you have downloaded the file it can be opened and extracted to a file location of your choice. It will need to be extracted before ProECU can open it.


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