ECU Connect - Phone Flash Initial Set Up Guide

ECU Connect - Phone Flash Initial Set Up Guide



In This Article

In this article we will discuss what ECU Connect is, the basic features plus how to set up and use the App

The Basics

ECU Connect is the free companion app to the EcuTek Bluetooth Vehicle Interface (EVI-BT). The device connects to the OBD vehicle diagnostic socket of all vehicles supported by EcuTek's ProECU tuning product (a list of supported models can be found here) to allow communication between the engine management ECU and your iPhone, iPad or Android device.

With the Bluetooth Vehicle Interface (EVI-BT) and ECU Connect you can retrieve information from the ECU and perform other specialist functions, the basic ECU Connect functions are:

  • Vehicle ECU info

  • High-speed Data logging

  • Dealer Locator

  • DTC Tool

  • Performance Analyser

ECU Connect is not a generic OBD tool though it does have some generic OBD logging capabilities with new model CAN protocols. ECU Connect can only be used in conjunction with the EcuTek Bluetooth Interface, which is key to its high-speed operation; it will not work with any other device.



In order to use this feature it requires the EcuTek EVI-BT Dongle. Reach out to your tuner in order to purchase one for your car.


Getting Started

You’ll first want to download the APP off of the google play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ecutek.ecuconnect

Once Installed run the app in order to start the signup process.




Create an Account

  1. When you first start the app you’ll be prompted to select a tuner. You’ll want to choose the shop who is going to be doing the tuning on your car. If you have recently purchased a kit find their name on the list and select them, and don’t worry you’ll be able to change it later on through the Settings menu. You can use the search option in order to speed things up.



  2. Alternatively you can use the APP without a tuner, however you won’t be able to receive rom files etc. from tuners through the APP until you add a tuner in.

  3. After selecting a tuner (or skipping that step) the app will ask for an EcuTek account login. Either sign in or proceed through the account creation process. This step can be skipped, which will allow you to use the other EcuConnect features but will NOT allow the use of Phone Flash. You can always come back to create an account through the Settings menu.

    When creating an account enter your details, read through the terms and conditions and agree.




  4. Once finished entering your details select Create to finalise your account. ECU Connect will log you in automatically. If you have your EVI-BT Vehicle interface you can now plug it in and pair it to your device.




Select and Pair your EVI-BT

The next step will prompt you to set up your vehicle interface, here you can plug in your EcuTek Vehicle Interface (EVI-BT or EVI-BTLE). Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your EcuTek Vehicle Interface. You can always manage the paired vehicle interfaces later from ECU Connect > Settings > Vehicle Interface Add/Remove.

Once you have plugged your EVI into the OBD port of your car (or connect the EVI to USB power) you can follow the prompts on screen.

If you need to configure an EVI-BT (not EVI-BTLE) see instructions here Adding an ECU Connect Vehicle Interface manually | EVI BT Addition Instructions .



If you don’t have a vehicle interface yet then you can cancel and continue with the install, otherwise select the correct model by looking at the sticker.

Once you choose the correct model, you will be guided through the process of adding the device to the app.



When completed, you are ready to use the app. Press the Finish button and the app main screen will appear.


For Instructions on how to pair the EVI-BT see the following article

Adding an ECU Connect Vehicle Interface manually | EVI BT Addition Instructions


Programming your Vehicle for the First Time

To program your car for the first time there are a few initialisation and vehicle identification processes required so that your tuner can link to your account and vehicle. To start the process you should first have completed the ECU Connect After install setup procedure or logged into your account and selected a tuner. If you haven’t the options will be offered during this process.
You will also need to have ECU Connect installed and the Bluetooth Vehicle Interface (EVI) plugged into the vehicle OBD port and paired correctly to your device. Then open ecu connect (if you have multiple EVI-BT’s paired select the correct EVI-BT)

Sending Vehicle Info to your Tuner

  1. In the main menu select the Program ECU option


  2. Next select Send Vehicle Info to Tuner


  3. After the system collects information on your vehicle, fill in the details and select Send to Tuner. This will send an automated email with all of your information directly to your tuner. This let’s them know what vehicle you have along with what ECU Version/ROM you have.


    If your vehicle isn’t supported on the current version of the EcuTek Software there will be additional fields to fill in as well as read and copy the engine calibration off of the vehicle to send in to EcuTek Support and get it added in. Once the dumping process is complete you can select the send option to send it to your tuner.

  4. Upon hitting the send button your information will be sent to your tuner. This includes things like your name, email address, vin as well as the vehicles calibration ID. (If you change Tuners you’ll need to resend them your vehicle information)

  5. At this point you can wait for your tuner to get back to you. It may take some time for the tuner to prepare a ROM, you can continue to talk to your tuner via which ever means you prefer and they will let you know when your ROM is ready. If your vehicles CAL ID needed to be added for support the process may take up to 7 days, communication will be via the support desk at EcuTek.

  6. Once your files have been uploaded to the cloud by your tuner and you are ready to program your vehicle open ECU Connect, plug the interface in and go to My Car -> Program ECU.

  7. On the program menu select which ECU you wish to program (ie. the Engine ECU).


  8. After selecting your vehicle choose the ROM file you wish to program. After selecting the vehicle the app allow you to go through a communication test.




  9. Before you can program the vehicle the first time the Bluetooth communication between the phone and the EVI must be tested. Simply press “START” to commence the test and wait until completion. This test makes sure the car is in a state that will allow proper communication between the car’s ECU, your EVI-BT dongle and phone.


  10. Once the test is complete make sure that your car is in a state where the ECU will willingly take a flash. This includes

    1. The vehicle’s ignition is ON

    2. The engine is not running

    3. Your handbrake is engaged

    4. Doors are closed

    5. Interior lights and headlights are turned off

    6. Air Conditioning and fan are turned off.

    7. Car battery is not low (It can be helpful to have the vehicle on a charger for this step)

    8. If your car doesn’t require the key to be in the ignition make sure the key stays in range of the car at all times and that the key has proper battery.

    9. Turn off the stereo

  11. You can now select Program.


  12. At this point, the programming process will start. The app will go through several steps that vary depending on the vehicle.



  13. Near the end of programming you will be prompted to key the car off and back on again, this allows the system to go through and clear any DTC’s that may have come up during the programming process. Do NOT start the car at this point.





Once you’re done you can perform whatever tasks (if any) your tuner has requested you perform (Logging etc.)






Failed Programming

If for some reason the programming process fails, it will first come up with an error message. Make sure to write down/screenshot the error message. If you know the reason it failed and the APP and Interface are still powered you may be able to simply press the program button again. if this option doesn’t work or isn’t available exit the app, unplug your EVI-BT, key off the car, then reconnect the EVI-BT again and restart the programming process.


Finding the cause of the failed programming Attempt

Make sure to use the error message to determine the cause of the programming failure. Reading the error message details created at the time of the failure will help point you at the reason. To look at the details go to My Files → Programming Logs.




In the above case it was a time out error for OBD communications. This usually means the system lost communication at some point. Check the connection between your OBD port and the EVI dongle. Confirm the battery power of the vehicle is stable and that nothing else is attempting to connect to your phone’s bluetooth at the time. For any errors you can find a list of the most common messages and resolutions Here: Programming, Vehicle Tools & Logging Error Messages Additionally you can select the programming log in your files and share it with your tuner or EcuTek support to help resolve your issue.


Recovery Programming

If you feel you’ve resolved the cause of the failed programming you can attempt to recover the ECU. In order to recover the ecu follow the steps below.

  1. Start the app and press my car.


  2. After it tries and fails to detect the ECU the option for recovery will show.


  3. Tap Select manually and then choose the correct Vehicle (the last programmed vehicle should be correct if not manually choose the correct vehicle type)


  4. Select Program ECU and select a stock ROM





If you don’t have the option to select the last vehicle, you can select the Choose Another ECU button.
You will then be able to manually select the correct ECU type from the list of supported ECU’s.



Once you have selected the correct vehicle type you will be able to Program the available ECU’s, simple choose the stock ROM file for your vehicle and Press the program button.

It is critical to choose the correct vehicle type at this stage. if you have any questions regarding your ecu type, contact your tuner for the appropriate choices.




Quick Reference Flow Charts

Initial App Startup

Programming an ECU Without Files from your Tuner



Programming an ECU With Files From your Tuner


Steps The System Goes Through While Programming the ECU


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