MX-5 which ROM Should I Use?

MX-5 which ROM Should I Use?

All ROM versions for these applications are given under Help, Feature & Licence Information and Supported ECUs.

It is vital you ONLY use the ROM that is specified for your region:

You can see below that the LFJ1E series has the following revisions:





This is the latest release that you should base your tuning on.

How do I know what my ECU ROM version is?

Open ProECU and choose Detect Vehicle, Program Engine ECU and Query ECU. The ECU ROM version will now be shown in the ECU Version window.

I can’t find a RRFF for my ECU ROM ID

RaceROM Feature Files are only available for the latest ROM revision. 

Denso are constantly developing, improving and bug fixing the ROMs so make the most of their hard work by using the latest revision. 

Can my current map switch mode be remembered?

Yes the current map switch mode is remembered even if the battery is disconnected then the ECU will still remember the Map Switch Mode.

Can I have Launch Control or Speed Density in certain modes?

Yes, Launch Control, Flat Foot Shift and Autoblip are all configurable in any of the 4 modes, along with Speed Density. 

Can I switch between MAF and Speed Density on the fly?

Yes, you can enable or disable SD in any of the 4 modes. You can also use the Hybrid SD function in any or all of the 4 map switch modes.

Can I use launch control whilst driving?

No, you must be below a set vehicle speed for Launch Control to be enabled, the default setting is 8kph.

Can the dealer over flash my tuned ECU?

No, the dealer reflash tool (or other tuning tools) cannot over flash the ProECU tuned ROM. If you flash back a 100% stock ROM then any other tools can flash over the ECU.

What happens if I have a problem during programming?

If the vehicle interface become disconnected or the laptop powers off during programming then the ECU will be part programmed. ProECU can recover the ECU from this state by manually selecting the ECU from the TOOLS menu.

Can I log a vehicle if I haven’t programmed it yet? 

Yes you can log any MX5 even if it has not been programmed with ProECU but any custom parameters (EcuTek ORIGIN) will not be displayed until the ECU is programmed with a RRFF applied.

Can I stop full load Fuel Trims working in Open Loop? 

Yes you there are two methods:

  • Disable the map called Fuel Trim Long Term Operation Switch.
  • Re-profile the FTLT load zones as shown below. This will ensure that learned FTLT in low load conditions are not applied at high load conditions.

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